Friday, May 15, 2009

The man who couldn´t read time

Andrew "Dice" Clay came to mind the other day. I guess someone mentioned the movie Ford Fairlane, which I thought was pretty funny, and that triggered my curiosity. What is Andrew Clay doing these days?
Well it seems he tried to make a comeback and it didn´t work out. Dice´s comedy is disturbing, obscene at times and can be very insulting if not taken for what it is. An over the top spectacle of political incorrectness.

Below is the man in his glory days.

Here is more recent footage, from his comeback attempt. He ends up insulting a Cnn anchorman during an interview. I think he planned to stir something up since back in the day it probably would have worked to his benefit to have an altrication "Dice style" with a geek from a major network.

Dice was succesful in the 80´s and alot of people could not believe it, he was hated by some, by many actually, but the times allowed for his shenanigans, even rewarded it.
What the then Dice haters didn´t understand, or accept, seems to be what Dice doesn´t understand now. These are different times.

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