Tuesday, August 4, 2009

From Rachinhas to Bond Girls

Finally someone opened up a school that teaches women to be spies.

One of the most important skills taught at the spy school is how to create a martini, something every woman should be able to do, with style.

Plus there is just something special about a girl who can save your life, fix your car, help the kids with their calculus homework and at the end of the day pour you a nice, cold, martini. Shaken, not stirred.

Since the girls from Buteco das Mina are amongst the few enlightened individuals who comment on this blog perhaps they should take the spy girl course, to be further perfected.

Yet since women need to be around each other so to gossip maybe the Bond way is not the best way. I think a team scenario is the better solution.

Below the three rachinhas, after completing the spy course, begin working for the Gritty Poet, sem carteira assinada obviamente.


  1. The only thing I could tell you about the mission is that it WAS going to take place in Bahia, plus the adventure would have required skill, surfing, gathering information (probably during Luaus and lobster dinners), and snorkeling.
    Unfortunately this post http://butecodasmina.blogspot.com/2009/05/o-barato-que-saiu-caro.html came to the attention of the Bahia police authorities and infuriated them, they are now calling us racists and decided to cancel what would be our first mission.
    The letter below, from his excellency Dr. Patureba, Police Commissioner of the state of Bahia, explains it all.

    Caro Charlieson Gritzyzee Pouat,

    Lamento informar que devido a seguinte frase "Só por causa de uma miserável baianada? É minha gente... foi o barato que saiu caro!" de autoria de uma de suas agentes, me sinto obrigado a cancelar a missão encomendada ao senhor.
    É com grande pesar que o faço Sr. Gitsízé já que de Vossa Senhoria recebi apenas palavras amáveis e um respeito enorme pelas tradições de minha terra, como minhas sonecas matutinas e meu peculiar habito de contratar a empresa de catering de minha esposa, como seria o caso na missão antes encaregada ao senhor e suas eingeus, para cuidar da logística.

    Como bem disse sua atrapalhada agente, as vezes o barato sai caro( O barato nesse caso seria um jogo de palavras com o "gratuito", no sentido de insulto gratuito, aqui temos logica sim senhor. Diga isso a sua agente!).

    Bom infelizmente fica para uma outra oportunidade mai quingue.

    Dr. Patureba da Silva Lins
